So it's literally 6:30 a.m. on my first full day here in the empty sea, and
Shoot dang, you guys.
I don't even know what to say.
P-days are on Wednesdays, so in my email I'll outline all the fun details, but I wanted to send a quick letter home to let you guys know that I'm o.k.
Actually, I'm more than o.k. The gospel is so real! I've been here less than 24 hours and I've already gotten a feel of what missionary work is like; what it's like to love someone (even an MTC actor) so much that you want so bad for them to hear the word you've prepared for them. Heavenly Father has yet to leave my side, and the power that he gives missionaries is REAL! It's palpable. I got the chance to "talk" to one of the "investigators" and explained that we bring a message of happiness, and we are here because we love her, and want her to feel joy. She looked at me straight in the eye, in front of 75 other missionaries and straight up asked, "Sister, are you happy?" Even though it was a mock experience, I could answer with a resounding "yes", that I have a fulness of joy. That part isn't fake.
I'll write more on Wednesday, but I just wanted to give you a quick shout out. Don't worry about me! Dad is right. The MTC is unbelievable. I can't wait for these next few weeks.
If someone asks me why I'm serving, I reply, "so that I can make families as happy as mine."
I love you. With all my heart.
Hermana Hess
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