Today commemorates the one month birthday of me being here in the glorious empty sea. I shall commemorate by eating three bowls of ice cream at dinner. But seriously, since when did it get to be March? How do I have less than two weeks left? Que en el mundo!?!
You know as I look back on the last month here, it has both been the longest and shortest month of my life. The days all run together and I don't remember what I ate for breakfast this morning, but all I know is that cool things happen in the MTC on a daily basis. Most people smile, and those who don't aren't doing it right. I feel bad for those missionaries. Dad in your last e-mail to me you said something that has stuck with me and will undoubtedly stick with me for a very long time. You said "Isn't it cool when you smile for the right reason?". I'm here to tell you that it is indeed very very cool to smile for the Right Reason. life is Good when you're doing what Heavenly Father needs you to do.
My nephew is one week old and I fully expect him to say my name before Russell does. I'm glad that everyone is doing great!! I'm especially glad that he's a quiet baby, and that Russell hasn't thrown him yet. Because he likes to throw things. I can't get enough of those pictures and I show them to everyone who wants to see them and everyone who doesn't! Hollaback!
We learn a lot about "inspired questions" here. I knew what they were and I knew how important they were to missionary work, but actually being in a lesson where a question pops into your mind and it completely changes the course of the lesson is one cool experience. I think it's my favorite part of the lessons, actually. Asking a question sent from heaven and the entire lesson going in a different direction than what you planned is a cool thing! Heavenly Father puts words into your mouth, people! Even in Spanish!
The MTC's water is getting shut off tonight. That's going to be awesome.
You know what's also going to be awesome? Daylight savings this Saturday.
I have a testimony of the "sharing shelf" that is on our floor. Last night we scored a full bag of tortilla chips and an unopened bottle of queso. Nasty in real life, heaven-sent in the MTC.
Fast Sundays here are the bomb as well! Fasting till 6 is a new delight that I have discovered, but there is definitely power when you fast for a reason. I knew that before, but I have quite a few things that I need help with now more than ever, and Heavenly Father answers those prayers. Fasting is no longer a nuisince (the more Spanish I learn, the more my knowledge of the English language goes down the ditch). Although that night for dinner I will not tell you how many bowls of ice cream I ate.
To my uncles: Still not suffering. Sorry.
One of my greatest fears in life is the fear of Missing Out. I hated missing out on the fun stuff in college because I was studying, I hated missing out on important days for people because I was away at school, I hated missing out on things that would create amazing memories for years to come. I think that was what I was afraid of most when I came to serve a mission. I didn't want to miss out on things going on in Logan with my roommates or my friends or my work, I didn't want to miss out on Jacob being born or the countless other "big deals" that are undoubtedly going to happen the next 17 months. Life was the best it's even been before I came on a mission and I didn't want to miss out on that, either. But the more I'm here the more I realize something.
I am not missing out on anything.
Not one thing, because I know that the work I am preparing to do right now is one of the most important works on the planet. I reflect on the past 4 weeks and I think to myself "Man. Look at what I would have missed out if I didn't come here." I remember being so sad leaving Logan and home, and while I still miss both of them with all of my heart, I'm glad I'm here. Whenever I get letters from family and friends, I am constantly reminded that I get the best of both worlds! I get to keep my Logan friends and experiences and my family with me as I'm out here in P-Town and soon-to-be-San Diego. So really, I'm not missing out on anything. Because I get to keep you guys with me wherever I go. Cool, huh?
Another thing that I have learned this week. "Kelsey Hess" was known as the "Utah State Aggie who Sings a lot and is Happy All The Time, who is really Loud and Likes To Stand On Couches while She Belts Opera In Her Apartment". I established a name in Castle Rock and in Logan that I was pretty happy with. I was happy with who I was and what I was accomplishing.
I think it's cool how very very few people here know your first name. I'm not Kelsey Hess anymore, but Hermana Hess. I'm no longer the loud girl who likes to make people laugh and who sings all the time. I'm Hermana Hess whose only goal for the moment is to bring others closer to Christ. Not only are missionaries expected to give up 18 or 24 months of their life, but they are expected to give up their name, who they are. I'm one of a thousand "Hermanas" here, but I am a part of something that is unlike anything in this world. It's a pretty neat feeling, let me tell y'all!
K. Enough of the rambling. P-day is Nap-day. I'm gonna go make my bed (I DO THAT NOW) and then write you letters because I love you all.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. I've never loved you all more than I love you now. Funny how missions make your heart bigger.
All the love that I have,
Hermana Hess
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