Mom and dad, remember when we were talking on Mothers Day and I told you that all I wanted to do was NOT TRAIN?
Heavenly Father heard that and started to laugh.
So tomorrow I will be driving the brand new corolla (which is awesome by the way) to San Diego, dropping off my trainer, and picking up my trainee. We got transfer calls this morning and half of my district is leaving, and the other half who are staying are training, so we are going to be a super young district. Right now I can't tell if I'm stoked or terrified haha. I think it'll be an incredible experience, but at the same time I'm like "Really? I finished my own training 2 DAYS AGO. I CAN'T SPEAK SPANISH. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON??!?" Minor panic attacks may be occurring these next couple of days (wait what?! Sister Hess stressed?! Does she even know what that means?!?).
But at the same time, as I reflect back on the past 2 transfers, I'm amazed by how the trials of these past couple of weeks have all been "preparation trials". I have a testimony that faith brings trials of faith, which brings strengthened faith. At the beginning of my mission, when Elder Holland gave his talk in general conference, I wanted to have the same strength and determination as he did. I wanted to say to other people "If your faith is tested, lean on mine.". I'm basically the furthest away from that point as possible, but everyday steps are being taken in that direction. This week, and surely these next couple of weeks, are going to be amazing trials of faith. But the cool thing is, we have a promise of miracles. Faith first. Miracles will follow. (Ether 12:12 is one of my favorites!). I have faith in the miracles. I'm excited to sweat and stress and hurt and work and have no idea what I am doing, because that means I get to become that much closer to my Father and my Savior. I have faith in the enabling power of the atonement. Good thing too, cause I'm gonna need as much help as I can get....
SO yep. That's the life right now. This week was a suuuuuper slow and frustrating, but at the same time really cool. We had three days straight where we only taught 2 times a day because no one was answering their door and people kept missing our appointments. So that was rough... but the appointments that we DID have were some of the best I've even been in!! We taught one member in our ward who has been struggling with depression, and when we went over the other day she greeted us at the door by saying "my sisters!! I've felt happy all day! All I've had to do was think of you two and what you teach me!!". Ummm, WHAT A BLESSING. Man, the Gospel is so cool. It's SO COOL. We have three investigators that we are teaching that have accepted the commitment to be baptized!!! One even came to CHURCH WHICH IS THE BIGGEST OF ALL DEALS OF LIFE. This week we are setting them all up with baptismal dates, so keep Marbella, Ronaldo, and Vinny in your prayers!! I have high hopes for this next transfer.
All the missionaries in our district made our bishop dinner on Sunday. Bishop almost cried, he was so appreciative. Our district leader (who went home today...weird!) was really great about finding us service opportunities to do as a district. I hope that continues this next transfer! I like being in proselyting clothes wearing a name tag, and wearing the same name tag but wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt covered in dirt is my favorite.
We are all speculating what is going to be happening on the 23rd! I think they are going to raise the California San Diego mission up into heaven like the city of Enoch. Y'all can come too!
There's a talk by Elder Holland that was directed towards missionaries that he gave in 2000. It was about how important the Atonement is to Missionary work, and it's one of my favorites. One of my favorite parts of it is when he explains why missionary work is so hard. He says "This work is hard because salvation wasn't cheap....we preach the crucified Christ, who cried out to His father saying '...remove this cup from me', so don't be surprised if you and your investigator need to take a short walk to Gethsemane, then to Calvary". This work isn't supposed to be easy. Obviously Gethsemane and Calvary are sacred places where we are not worthy to walk, but if the paths we need to take weren't hard, the triumph would not be great. Salvation is the ultimate triumph. I am learning to rejoice in the trials. Goodbyes are hard, seeing people you love fall away is hard, not playing the ukulele everyday is hard. Miracles are worth it!!
I didn't get bitten by any dogs this week, which is a miracle as well.
115 degrees and climbing! What a great life!
Anyway, I love you all. More than I ever have in my life! You all better be happy...
Love you most,
Hermana Hess

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